(Like, yesterday!)


NO crazy, complicated processes.
NO fluffy questions.
NO guessing.

A strategic 90-day plan done with you  in about 3 hours.

Wake up every day knowing exactly how to grow your business.



There’s nothing but clear money-making strategies ahead!

Ok, maybe five if you count your Starbucks run. But gone are the days of filling your list with 24 items and then doing a stressed-out laugh-cry because you only made it to #3.

Picture a new kind of to-do list.


Now, you know exactly what moves the needle in your business, and what doesn’t.

So, when you start each day, your to-do list is a heck of a lot shorter, you’re crystal clear on where to spend your time, and you’re operating from a CEO vs. employee mindset.

Running your business just feels good.

*happy sigh*

You’re caught in the quicksand of your daily to-do list – drowning in client work, admin tasks, social media marketing (OK, you’ve been known to watch some doggo TikToks too!), and other time-suckers. Put simply, you’re juggling too many things. The kicker is that despite working ALL the time (literally – you even have work dreams), you can’t seem to get ahead.

You feel overwhelmed 99.9% of the time.

Sometimes your mind feels so full that it just shuts down. You become a business owner in laptop headlights. Of course you wanna grow your business, but you’re completely stumped on where to start. You kinda wish a Business Fairy Godmother would just tap you on the shoulder, point her magic wand, and say “Here, do THIS next.”

You have no idea what to focus on next.

Scale your business for the future? Yeah … no. You’re too busy putting out today’s fires. You know you should be working ON your business, not just IN it, but who’s got time for that? Sure, you’ve had this amazing digital product idea on your mind for months, but it’ll just have to wait. You might cry a little inside when you see other biz owners earning passive income, but it’s cool (*you tell yourself*). 

You’re only thinking about today.

If so, I get it.

Running a business is no joke (hello, a-million-and-one different hats!). Sometimes you can barely come up for air, let alone claim your CEO title.

Your business feels way more frazzled than fun right now??

What's that?

Maybe you can relate to any or all of these scenarios:

Don't worry. All of these struggles are completely normal. And guess what? They're just temporary!

If you're reading this, a tiny voice inside you knows there's a better way, and she's telling you it's time to make a change.

Geez, who invited Debbie Downer, right?

(Listen to that voice, would ya? She knows what she's talkin' about!)

Grab a cup of Jo, pull up a chair, and soak in all these juicy details...

From here on in...running your business is about to get a whole lot easier

More clarity.
More confidence.
More control.

Are you in? If so...

You might be thinking, "strategy, schmategy. Who needs it, right?" Um... every business owner on the planet! Strategy helps identify gaps in your business, as well as hidden opportunities to help your business soar. Instead of always guessing at what works and what doesn't, a strategic foundation gives you absolute clarity on what to do next for more sustainable, profitable results.  

My Strategic CEO Intensive blends strategic thinking and clear, actionable steps to help you get out of the day-to-day weeds and on the path to sustainable growth. After diving into your business with you, I'll develop a custom 90-day plan to help you scale in a way that aligns with your vision and your goals. 

A done-with-you 90-day action plan to help get your business (and your sanity) back on track, so you can be more profitable with less hustle. 

Bottom line: You'll walk away crystal clear about your big vision for the future AND will know exactly what to do next to move your business forward. No more blank stares into your computer (yay!). 

I believe small business needs BIG strategy. 



Attracting the clients and income you desire. 

Having whitespace to work ON your business. 

Knowing (without a doubt) what to focus on next.

Kissing the constant hustle and stress goodbye. 

Just imagine...

Because really, who wants to feel like they're on a perpetual hamster wheel, always tripping on their own trying to catch up? It's exhausting! Instead, it's time for some more ease and flow in your business. 

You'll love the confidence of saying YES to what matters and NO to what doesn't. This clarity is golden because it'll help you turn the other way when the internet shoves another random business "should-do" in your face. 

Instead of jumping into a dumpster fire on a Monday, you can be one of those people who books CEO Mondays for themselves (gasp!). You'll finally have the time and clarity to think past today and map out an exciting future for your biz. 

A funny thing happens when you get clear on your business goals and start taking more intentional action. You attract more dream clients and have the confidence to step up your prices. Talk about a win-win. 



"This intensive is going to change your life. By getting really clear on my priorities, I grew my business to 6-figure months."

– Mattie Thomas

"Most strategic planning I've experienced is just nice, high-level ideas. This is different. This is an actionable plan that you won't ignore."

– Gabby Evanson

Can we all just agree...

I'm Lindsay, and I'm here to help you step into your CEO shoes. 

Oh hey there!

…that running a business shouldn’t be a constant source of stress? It can feel fun, light, and rewarding! You know; the way you pictured it would be when you first started your business, all starry-eyed and full of wonder.

I’m an online business manager and operations strategist for female entrepreneurs, and my heartfelt passion is making your life easier! I want to help your business become simpler and more profitable as you scale in a personalized, strategic way.

But back to your business dreams … If they feel oh-so-far away, I can help you get unstuck. Feeling paralyzed should never be the thing that holds you back from growing your business. With the proper strategy and action plan, we can get you movin’ on all the right things!

Not to plug my own services, but...

(Oh, and hop off that fence, would ya? It's gotta be uncomfortable!)

My Strategic CEO Intensive truly is my best-kept secret to clarity, direction, and a plan. I’ve seen this framework work wonders in my clients’ lives, and I’d love to see it empower and elevate your business too. If you’re smiling and nodding but still hangin’ out on the fence, keep reading.


Let's talk details!

Here's a peek at what you'll get inside OF

AKA my best kept secret to clarity, direction, and a plan! 

Two 90-minute 1:1 Zoom sessions

Visionary Business Statements workbook

Quarterly plan – Trello board

Two weeks implementation support

Reviewing and refining the foundation of your business strategy: your mission, vision, and values.

Using a framework of thoughtful, strategic questions in the 7 major business objectives to get all your big business thoughts, plans, dreams, to-dos, and ideas out of your head. 

Capturing and organizing this information in a way that allows for clear and easy next steps. 

Determining what really drives your business so you know exactly which activities to focus on right now. 


Capture + Clarify

So long frazzled biz-owner brain!

You'll walk away from our first 90-minute session feeling lighter and more at ease, with renewed confidence in the purpose and direction behind your business. Plus, we'll have "brain dumped" and captured all of your to-dos, loose-ends, ideas, and dreams—an exercise proven to increase creativity, productivity, and the number of hours spent in flow.

What we'll focus on:

4-6 days after session one, this 90-minute session is when the magic happens!

You'll walk away feeling confident that every activity you invest your time, money, and resources into is aligned with your mission and will move your business forward. You'll be relieved to have clear, easy-to-implement next steps for bringing your vision to life.

NOTE: The strategic framework I walk you through is licensed material; available to certified directors of operations only. What does that mean for you? You'll get a proven framework that has been shown to work for hundreds of entrepreneurs like you. With that said, your 90-day roadmap will be completely customized to you and your business goals. No copy and pasting here! 

VALUE: $ 2,200

Bringing your business strategy to life.

Quarterly project and launch planning for your next 12 months. 

Breaking down the current quarter even further — prioritizing projects, identifying what can be delegated, and planning the next 90 days.

Determining how and when you should start each activity in preparation for launch.





Catch ya later to-do list vortex.

What we'll focus on:

This workbook will help you think through and document different aspects of your business before we meet for our two sessions. Having this pre-work done will be essential to maximizing our time together. It will help steer our conversation, provide me with crucial insights into your business, and allow me to create a more customized roadmap for you. Don’t worry; this isn’t a crazy-hard homework assignment. Remember; I’m all about helping you work smarter, not harder!

Visionary Business Statements Workbook

VALUE: $ 11

Ah, the gift that keeps on giving! This strategic roadmap will outline all of the key takeaways from our two sessions and provide with you clear next steps for months to come. As mentioned earlier, this will be completely catered to you and your unique goals. My biggest hope for you will be to go from always being reactive in your business (i.e. drowning in your to-list, constantly putting out fires) to proactively running the show (i.e. having better control over your schedule and scaling your business to new levels).

Strategic Mapping Trello Board

VALUE: $ 300

Sometimes you just need a word of advice, an answer to a quick question, or a friendly nudge to keep you on track, amiright? That’s where my two weeks of Voxer support come in. As you’re going through and starting to implement the steps in your new roadmap, I’ll be here if you need me. It’ll be the next best thing to having me by your side, linking arms with you on your business journey. (I’d love to do that, but I think the airfare would get pricey!)

Two Weeks of Implementation Support via Voxer

VALUE: $ 500

I see you wanting so much more for your business and I know you have the heart to make it happen. You just need a strategic partner to guide you there and (*cough,cough*) that's ME! I'll help you replace the hustle and grind with clear, strategic steps for a simpler, more profitable business. One where you have the confidence and support to bring your big ideas to life! 

Bold action takers, I'm lookin at YOU!

I know you're a great fit for
The Strategic CEO Intensive if:

You love learning, growing, and reaching new levels of success.

You continually invest in yourself and your business. 

You know that to be high level, you need to take high-level action.

You value your time and want to spend it more strategically.

You don't want to wait for "next time" or "the perfect time." You want to take action now. 



"I appreciated that you asked me the hard questions that I'd been avoiding asking myself — and in a way that allowed for answers. You are wonderful to work with!"

– Deena Victors

"I was drowning in my business and couldn't see the forest through the trees. Now, I feel unstoppable."

– Serina Royston

A. It's simple. You'll fast-track your business growth. Instead of spinning your wheels working on ALL the things, you'll learn how to take focused action on the RIGHT things. This is the best prescription for accelerated results. 

Q. How will investing in this service pay off for me financially?

A. Good news: You don't need to commit months or even weeks to this. I specifically created this to be an "intense" experience where we dive right into your business over two 90-minute sessions. Just be warned: We'll be doing business-changing work here, and that can be mentally draining - in a good way! So, heads up. You might wanna book in an afternoon snooze when we're done. 

P.S. Following our sessions, you'll benefit for months to come. Also, keep in mind that if you never take the time to work on the strategic foundation of your business, you'll always be in a cycle of burnout/fighting for time. 

Q. What if I don't have the time to commit to this intensive?

A. Absolutely! I'll help you put strategies and systems into place so that you can return to the driver's seat of your business - rather than your business driving you! With a more streamlined and strategic to-do list, you'll feel more focused and confident as you grow the business of your dreams. 

Q. I'm constantly chasing a never-ending to-do list. Is there really hope for me?

A. You'll benefit right away, in our very first session, by decluttering your mind. When you have too many ideas racing through your brain, it can be hard to know which ones to focus on next. From there, confusion usually leads to paralysis. You stay stagnant instead of growing your business in new and exciting ways. 

Using a strategic framework, I'll help you sort through everything that's in your head (well...not EVERYTHING. That would be weird!) so we can determine what should stay and what should go. Only strategic and/or revenue-generating activities should take up space in your business. 

Q. What's the very first "quick win"I'll get from this service?


Consider this your personalized permission slip. 

When was the last time you dedicated focused time and attention to your business?

Last month? Last year? Never?

No judgement here. I already know you're doing your best, wearing all the hats! That's why my Strategic CEO Intensive demands just three hours of your time. Sweet, right?

The best part is, you'll walk away with a strategic roadmap to help you feel confident, in control, and clear about the direction of your business.

(Pinned to your shirt, old-school-style like Mom used to do.)

It's your permission to say NO to everything weighing you down and YES to the you that's ready to thrive. 

Ditch the burnout from your never-ending to-do list. 

Identify crucial gaps or opportunities in your business. 

Know exactly which projects to focus on, and when. 

Increase your efficiency, productivity, and profits. 

Achieve your most audacious goals, faster. 

And, just in case you missed the memo earlier, this roadmap will help you:

Spoiler alert: You won't have to work harder to get there. Hustling is highly overrated.

Are you ready to feel clear, confident, and back in control of your business?

So, friend, the moment of truth has arrived...

I'll take care of the rest!